Digimon: Escape from Server Island [NEW UPDATED]

Escape from Server Island

A new Digimon MMORPG with retro gameplay is being released, and you got your hands on an early copy! However, unlike the other professional reviewers playing the game, you actually got pulled into the Digital World, and have to escape Server Island! Team up with a small group of Digimon, select the perfect moves for them, and face off with foes who don't realize you're more than just another player...

This ROM Hack is finished and Ccomplete! The only changes made from here on out are going to be bug fixes.

Click on Thumbnail to Enlarge

Explore Server Island
A whole new map to explore, filled with all new characters, with unique dialogue, and all-new side missions! Discover new items, puzzle through new mazes, and unfold multiple layers of story and lore...

Click on Thumbnail to Enlarge

Discover New Monsters
There are 164 unique Digimon, each with their own Signature Move. Digivolve and De-Digivolve your 'Mon through a Digivolution Web to add to their move set. Befriend new 'Mon and complete your Digidex by using rare Evolution Gems to transform your monster into any other monster! Each Digimon has a Tribe, as well as a Type, which you must master and understand in order to exploit with an attack's Attribute.

Click on Thumbnail to Enlarge

Battle in New Ways
With 164 brand-new moves, balanced in a brand-new manner, you'll be able to craft a playstyle unique to your team. Because the world of Digimon is based on raising monsters rather than catching them, improving your battle effectiveness is a matter of cultivating specific strengths and managing inevitable weaknesses among your small group of digital friends.

As you battle your way across Server Island, you'll run into many familiar YouTube and Hollywood personalities, who are playing the game you yourself are trapped within. To them, it's just a game to play and review. But to you, it's a desperate battle to escape the Digital World and return home!

Click on Thumbnail to Enlarge

Extremely Detailed Support
The download file includes not only the IPS patch, but also a detailed README file, and a Prima-Style Strategy Guide!

In the README file you'll find a list of known issues and bugs, as well as recommended emulators listed by platform.

The Strategy Guide, directly modeled after the Prima Guide for Pokemon Emerald, has an indexed and searchable list of all Digimon, learnable moves, abilities, Digivolutions, and Type/Tribe/Attribute-effectiveness chart!

The creator is also directly available through multiple channels of communication, and is ready to respond to any and all questions.

Download it Now!

Google Drive Download Link

File includes:
  • IPS File
  • Lunar IPS itself
  • README File
  • Strategy Guide PDF
I, Bijhan, made this ROM Hack. I did not receive any direct outside help.
The Digimon sprites are ripped from various Digimon video games, and/or the anime. I bitcrushed them, and then cleaned them up by hand. Similarities to other Digimon ROM Hacks is a result of having the same source material, predominantly the Digimon World DS games.
I learned the coding from all the various tutorials on the web, from sites such as YouTube and Reddit in particular.

I utilized almost every tool available on RomHackTools, especially:
  • Nameless Sprite Editor 1 and 2
  • AdvanceMap
  • PokemonGameEditor
  • Gen3Tools
  • XSE Scripter
  • Advance Sprite Suite
Gameplay Video

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