Pokemon CrystalDust [NEW UPDATED]

Pokémon CrystalDust

another hack from DoMoreAwesome Games


We've been here before, haven't we?

Once again, you're put back into the shoes of either Gold or Kris, and sent on your way across the Johto region. With the most accurate scripts, text, features, and everything else compared to other remakes, you can nostalgically relive your past GBC memories and experiences in full-on GBA style on your way to becoming a Pokémon master.


What you need to patch this to

Based off of Pokémon Emerald (U)


Why people want to play this and not Liquid Crystal some other remake
  • Complete recreation of almost everything imaginable; sprites, sound, maps, events, and text all are almost perfect copies of their GBC counterparts, only upgraded
  • May be based off of Emerald, but most things are taken from FireRed, including sprites, tiles, battle graphics, font, animations, ...
  • Day/Night system; remade entirely from scratch and now supports light-up windows!
  • More ASM hacks than I can count; even little things like Mom on the Pokégear have been hacked to make them Crystal-accurate
  • Scripts are made to the best of my ability; no more exclamation mark without the sound!
  • No sound glitches; this hack uses the right free space, and uses the built-in FR voicegroups


Get people to play


Screenshots in motion


How far can you go?

Beta 2:

Almost everything in Johto and some parts of Kanto

Beta 3:

Finishing the Kanto quest


Holy crap, we won something?


What people don't want

When flying to the Lake of Rage after defeating the Red Gyarados but before talking to Lance, the animation messes up a bit, making you appear under Lance for a split second.


Who helped, and with what
Project Platinum (dead remake project) - Some tiles, sprites, and music
MrAPT1 - Music, more music, even more music, and sprites
Jambo51 - His awesome music hacks
Clonex25 and Magnius - GSC music remixes; also, voicegroup and looping documents
Jilly Shears - Even more music! CrystalDust has a lot of music.
Linkandzelda - Support
blase005 - Graphics galore, including the intro and title screen
shiny quagsire - That amazing intro he made

If I forgot anything/anyone, please post and I will definitely fix it. But then again, if I missed someone, they're probably in the in-game credits anyways.


What you came here for

All patches, old and new, can be downloaded at DoMoreAweso.me.

My other resources:
My Website
diegoisawesome's MEGA-HUGE XSE Scripting Tutorial
diegoisawesome's Miscellaneous Finds
The Ruins of Alph Puzzles
Diego's Miscellaneous Patches
GBA Intro Manager
The Secret Sauce: Triple-Layer Tiles


Google Drive

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